Sabine Liebner |
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Fanfare Magazin – Classical Music Reviews, Peter Stokely, 24.01.2008 This is the essential Cage and Sabine Liebner has created a magical performance of it. In Liebner´s hands, the different voices of the piano, invoked from inside the piano or keyboard, at times evoke the illusion of an ensemble whose members are engaging in momentary dialogues or counterpoints with each other. It is simultaneously riveting and peaceful. The subtlety and range of timbres Liebners summons from the instrument are well nigh inexhaustible, but entirely natural; the music always remains itself. ... splendid performance. allmusic, Dave Lewis, 11/2007 Playing such music is a lot more difficult than it sounds on the other end. ... In this respect, Liebner does an admirable job in this set and she plays close attention to the widely ranging dynamics in this long work ... should you listen? Absolutely. TÉLÉRAMA ffff, Gilles Macassar, 29.08.2007 Ce grand écart n´effraie pas la pianiste allemande Sabine Liebner, dont le jeu tour á tour explosif et méditatif concilie impulsion irrationelle et verrouillage millimétré. Invité à répondre au questionnaire de Proust, en particulier à la question: „Pour quelle faute avez-vous le plus d´indulgence?“, John Cage avait sourie: „Mon amour de la musique!“ Péché que ces deux heures de piano solo suffiraient amplement à faire pardonner. scherzo , Discos Excepcionales, Francisco Ramos, Enero 2008 El resultado es deslumbrante. Ahora, con la pianista de Munich, el ciclo music for piano se sitúa en ese dorado circulo donde moran las grandes obras musicales de la modernidad. Diverdi, German Gan Quesada, 11.12.2007 Se suma ahora a esta nomina la pianista alemana Sabine Liebner, especializada en los ultimos anos en la creacion estadounidense del pasado siglo, que sabe dar a esta musica el necesario sentido de unidad y diversidadque preside su concepcion y que se beneficia de una toma de sonido impecable. |